High Risk Pregnancy And Its Complication

High Risk Pregnancy complications are health issues that can affect the health of the mother, the baby, or both. Some women have health issues that occur during pregnancy. While others have health issues that could lead to concerns before becoming pregnant. It is critical for women to receive health care before and during pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of complications. Having a baby is, for the most part, a natural procedure. Women go into labor on or near their due date after a full-term pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. They leave the hospital a day or two later to resume their daily lives with their growing family. However, not all pregnancies are easy. Some women have a high-risk pregnancy, as defined by doctors.

Risk Factor in pregnancy.

Risk Factors For High Risk Pregnancy

Obesity And Overweight

High blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, stillbirth, neural tube abnormalities, and cesarean delivery are all linked to obesity. Obesity increases a baby’s chance of cardiac issues by 15% at delivery, according to NICHD researchers.

Chromosomal Problems

Due to chromosomal problems, a woman over 35 has an increased probability of producing a kid with birth abnormalities.

Down syndrome is one of the frequent chromosome birth disorder. It causes intellectual impairment and physical deformities in varying degrees. The likelihood of chromosomal problems can be determined through prenatal screening and diagnostics.


It is a syndrome characterize by high blood pressure, high protein levels in the urine, and edema; if not treated, it can be harmful or even deadly to the mother or infant. Most women who develop preeclampsia have healthy babies if they get treatment properly. If you’re older, overweight, or have a history of high blood pressure, you’re at a higher risk.


The term “miscarriage” refers to a pregnancy loss that occurs before 20 weeks due to natural reasons. Vaginal spotting or bleeding, cramps, or fluid or tissue passing from the vagina are all symptoms. However, vaginal bleeding does not necessarily indicate that a miscarriage will or is occurring. 9 Women who see this symptom at any stage during their pregnancy should notify their doctor.


Hormonal changes, tiredness, stress at home, and a lack of support may all contribute to depression during pregnancy. Depression, in turn, has been connected to issues during pregnancy and delivery, as well as low birth weight and preterm birth. Depression can make it difficult to care for yourself and your baby after birth. Inquire with our doctor about treatment options such as talk therapy or medication. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of taking medication when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Pregnancy complications

Risks can arise from a variety of issues that arise during pregnancy. An unusual placenta location, fetal growth below the 10th percentile for gestational age , and rhesus (Rh) sensitization — a presumably serious condition which can happen if your blood group is Rh negative but instead your baby’s blood group is Rh positive — are just a few examples.

 Gestational diabetes

Diabetes that develops during pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes. If women with gestational diabetes adhere to their health-care provider’s treatment plan, they can have healthy pregnancies and newborns. The diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born. Women with gestational diabetes, on the other hand, are more likely to acquire type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure later in life. Instead of vaginal delivery, you might need a C-section.

Our Specialist Gynecologist & Obstetrician are highly trained and offer the most advanced testing and treatment options for Normal & high-risk pregnancy .Call HMC Medical Center at +971 4 566 8336 to learn more or schedule an appointment

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