5 Natural Ways to Control Diabetes

There are two forms of Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Type 1 Diabetes. A Diabetic person may have different food requirements. It is based on his/her activity, weight and blood glucose levels. Here are some diet recommendations to improve blood sugar levels.

Prepare nutritious meals.

Improving your diet is one of the most effective measures. It helps to treat Diabetes and lower the risk of heart disease. Reduce salt, trans fat, saturated fat, and added sugars from your meals wherever possible.

Try to ensure that any meal has a balanced mix of fruits, vegetables, starches, fats, and protein. When purchasing bread or pasta, choose whole-grain varieties. When shopping for dairy products, choose low-fat cheese and milk items.

Maintain your physical activity level.

Staying physically active is another essential way to treat your Diabetes and lower your risk of contracting heart disease.  An adult should get at least half hours of exercise every day to lower their weight, risk of heart diseases, stress levels, and blood sugar levels.

Take Enough Sleep

Sleep is the period during which our body regenerates and repairs itself. When you don’t get enough sleep daily, your body can’t function properly. This is particularly worrying if you are Diabetic because chronic sleep deprivation disrupts the hormones.

Sleep deprivation can also make you feel less relaxed after a meal. It makes you eat more and crave for more sugar and calories. This can lead to weight gain and Diabetes.

Keep track of your progress.

A good practice is to frequently monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Home blood glucose sensors and blood pressure monitors can be purchased online and at most pharmacies.


Diabetes is a disease that is triggered by stress. Too much stress causes your pulse and blood pressure to rise and your blood sugar to surge. This is due to the hormone cortisol, which the body produces while stressed. Stress disrupts your diet, food schedule, and sleep cycles.


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